Making Good Habits, Breaking Bad Habits – Joyce Meyer


In this book, Joyce Meyer starts by examining the nature of habits. The first habit – and most important one to have – is the God Habit. By making it a habit to start your day by reading the Bible and communing with God, asking for His help in your efforts and His strength and sustenance, the stage is set for overcoming the habits you want to break and establishing new ones in their place.She then explores how to break bad habits by examining the destructive negative behavior patterns. The author moves on to discuss fourteen good habits and devotes a chapter to each. By the end of the chapter, the reader has a specific roadmap to follow until the behavior has become automatic (the definition of a habit). It’s like following a GPS to get you to a new place. After traveling the same route several times, the GPS isn’t needed for you to find your destination. The ‘habit’ of following the right route is ingrained.

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SKU: 9781455599363 Category:


  • Paperback
  • 02 Apr 2013
  • Little, Brown & Company
  • United States
  • 1455599360
  • 9781455599363


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