Grade 10 Maths 3 in 1 CAPS


This 3 in 1 study guide will equip a learner to achieve their full potential in Grade 10 and put all the building blocks in place for success in Grade 11 and 12 Mathematics, notably in Algebra, Euclidean and Analytical Geometry and Trigonometry.

Extensive practice through the carefully selected examples and exercises will build a thorough understanding and mastery of each topic as the learner grows in confidence and expertise.

The learner will GET IT, learn to overcome misconceptions and understand all concepts from first principles.

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SKU: 9781920297794 Category:


Anne Eadie & Gretel Lampe

ISBN: 978-1-920297-79-4

This three-in-one book provides an extremely thorough treatment of the CAPS curriculum. It offers a ‘fresh start’ to learners with gaps in their understanding from previous years.

It contains:

  • Comprehensive Notes and Worked Examples per topic
  • Exercises that are graded to promote logic and develop techniques in each topic
  • Detailed Solutions for all exercises

plus a fully explained comprehensive exam (paper 1 and paper 2) for thorough consolidation and final exam preparation.


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