Grade 11 Maths 3 in 1 CAPS


This hands-on study guide revises essential concepts from previous grades and develops the learner’s understanding by means of step-by-step notes and worked examples to introduce new work.

The summaries and handy hints consolidate the material and help learners to grown in confidence and expertise.

This book is guaranteed to develop a solid grounding for every learner preparing for and intending to excel in their Grade 11 and 12 Maths examinations, a sure way to open doors for their future!

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SKU: 9781920558277 Category:


Anne Eadie & Gretel Lampe

ISBN: 978-1-920558-27-7

This is a 3 in 1 publication that explores the deeper levels of the vital components of the CAPS curriculum. Learners tackling this in-depth study guide will be rewarded as, step by step, they get on top of previous uncertainties and pave their way to success.

It contains:

  • Comprehensive Notes and Worked Examples per topic
  • Exercises that are graded to promote logic and develop techniques in each topic
  • Detailed Solutions for all exercises

plus a fully explained comprehensive exam (paper 1 and paper 2) for thorough consolidation and final exam preparation.


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